Covid-19: How to Protect Your Business and Cash Flow even If Covid-19 Has Threatened Everything

If you’ve had a ton of members freeze their contract because of Coronavirus, then read on for the perfectly timed solution to the cash flow crisis you’re facing in your Gym.

If you’ve had a ton of members freeze their contract because of Coronavirus, then read on for the perfectly timed solution to the cash flow crisis you’re facing in your Gym.

Did you know that a recent survey from my gym showed only 31.9% of members are coming back to the gym when it opens?

Did you know that a recent survey from my gym showed only 31.9% of members are coming back to the gym when it opens?



Before you join - please look at these success stories from other gym owners that have been coached by me during Covid-19.

Written from Inside the Empty Gym of Vince Gabriele, Berkeley Heights NJ:

Dear Gym Owner,

Here’s the problem you face…and it didn’t even come about until the end of April.

It’s very possible that 50% of your members will NOT come back to your gym when you open.

When we were forced to close our gym, I thought that was bad.

We all thought when we open things we will get back to normal.

But then I sent a survey to my members…

This was my biggest “Oh S%^&” moment in this entire pandemic.

When I got the survey results back I sat in my chair and stared at the pie graph…that showed only 31.9% are coming back…meaning that 68.1% will not.

That was tough to swallow.

These were long time members I thought were dedicated to us forever…but the fear of the virus will keep them away from public places, especially if you have clients over 40.

With cash flow already impacted from 2 months of business interruption…this adds another layer of uncertainty for the future of the gym industry and brings about an entire new set of problems.

Here’s what this means for you, me, and the rest of the gyms across the country.

  • You’re going to end up running an on-line business AND an offline business at the same time…which gets very confusing to balance staff hours and payroll.

  • Because of Covid-19 regulations, your capacity WILL 100% be cut which means this will impact profitability.

  • For the people that DO come back. You’ve got to make sure it’s done right, you only get one shot at this.

  • There’s a chance your trainers won’t feel safe coming back either…in fact two of my trainers requested to stay home when we open…

  • The likelihood of someone getting the virus at your gym is a real possibility and could turn into a PR nightmare.

  • With cash flow being impacted in almost every business…spending money on marketing gets a LOT tougher.

  • You face the serious chance that members realize they actually LIKE training in their homes…and continue with free options…not your super expensive on-line option.

  • For those that do want to continue online you’ll have to compete with the Pelotons and P90X’s of the world that have massive marketing budgets.

  • With the social distancing restrictions, it’s going to be harder to coach clients effectively and may not be the great experience your members are paying a premium for.

  • The PPP is as uncertain as it gets and relying on that is dangerous…especially when the SBA tells you the “forgiveness” side of the “grant” is yet to be established (true story).

  • You’ll most likely need to change your model especially if you’re running large group.

  • Adapting to small group and 1-1 will be necessary but means you’ll need to ask your members for more money…in the middle of a recession.

  • For those running small group, if you’re forced to chop group size in half… this chops revenue in half too.

  • You could be forced to lay trainers off…which is painful but the real challenge comes when YOUR members follow this trainer to another gym.

  • A natural decline is coming from people getting out of dodge and spending the summer at the beach.

  • You’ll need to change all of your marketing messages on your ads and website to make sure it’s relevant to the current situation…which is a LOT of time and money.

  • You’re forced with the decision if you should lower your rates for the people deciding NOT to come back and stick with your on-line option.

  • You’ll need 2 marketing plans and 2 sets of sales scripts, one for on-line and one for offline.

  • Your clients will most likely have to wear masks during the sessions…and is it even safe?

  • Members will continue to be impacted financially and many have already lost their jobs, terminations are inevitable even if they love you.

  • Balancing staff hours will be like playing a game of Tetris

  • You don’t have enough hours for your staff to work but are still paying them and this cannot last much longer.

  • Rent forgiveness will be over very soon.

  • You need to buy new equipment, paint the walls, stock up on cleaning supplies and cash flow is tight.

Since I’m going through this like you, I face all these problems too.

When I got the news that 68.1% are not going to be coming back when we open…I went to work.

I told my wife and kids I’d be gone for a bit and went into massive planning mode.

I was determined to build the plan that would allow my 12-year-old business to not just survive, but thrive.

At the same time, I was thinking about the 80 gym owners that trusted me to coach them through his pandemic.

Here’s what I did…


Vince Gabriele
"I’ve seen pretty much everything in my 10 years running a gym and now have turned my focus to helping you create the same success. 

My job is to help you create a great business so you can change more lives and give your family the life they deserve. 

In addition to helping you create a great business, I want to see you have the time and freedom to be with your family.

To have the peace of mind your business is succeeding while you can create magic moments with your loved ones."

A snap shot of the carnage from my research...

  • Called all of my best members and asked their advice.

  • I consulted with industry experts, Thom Plummer, Brent Gallagher, and Rick Mayo.

  • Interviewed business owners in other industries to learn their best practices.

  • Interviewed Drew Massey, a gym owner from Tennessee, who has already opened his gym.

  • Hired a researcher to go deep into the best ways to open the gym and keep it safe.

  • Worked with marketing experts, Peg McHale, Ryan Lee, and Paul Gough to work specifically on Covid-19 marketing messages.
  • Interviewed dozens of my most successful gym owners from my Mastermind.

  • Consulted with super high level CEO’s, attorneys, and Goldman Sachs business advisors.

  • Spent hours with an Infectious disease expert and CEO of The Service Master Cleaning Company.

  • Spent countless hours with my CFO, Mike Waldron, and my CPA to navigate the cash flow conundrum.

  • Consulted daily with my own team at GFP.

  • Complied a huge mass of data from the members at my gym.

But this last one was the most helpful.

You see, I started my business in 2007 (when most of the “Save Your Gym Consultants” were in Middle School).

I’ve Been Through a Recession Before…

….and actually, exploded my business through it.

I dusted off my plan from over decade ago and used all the lessons from that experience too.

I compiled everything I learned and built out a plan titled, Unshakeable.

Here’s what the plan included:

Sales and New Pricing Model

  • Marketing and our New Messaging
  • Restructured Staffing Model
  • Cash Flow Projections
  • Leadership and New Team Meeting Structure
  • New Growth Opportunities to Drive Immediate Cash
  • Downside Planning
  • New Hiring Strategy
  • Re-established Vision
  • New Small Group Structure
  • Re-Structure of Facility

From this plan, I created for myself and my clients…I built a program for gym owners.

It’s a 4-week crash course to help you protect your business and cash flow…so you can survive and thrive…which means you’ll be one of the few gyms in your area left.

In addition to my 2-week bender, I’ve been the business coach to over 80 gyms across the US since this thing started back in March.

I realize this is a very difficult time and many gym owners cannot afford to hire me as their personal coach right now (…hence this course at very Covid friendly investment).

I’ve literally had gym owners tell me they would have gone out of business if it wasn’t for the advice I had given them.

George McGuire, Create Fitness.

Hey ya’ll!

I know it isn’t a cake walk right now but this group is the reason that I haven’t already shut my doors.

My first live workout had 20 people attend! I have trainer friends that are freaking out asking me for help.

Vince is 100% right, the human element from all of us will be the game changer.

This will get better and we will come out on top! Welcome to the arena LET’S GET READY TO RUMBLE!

That makes me happy but also scared for the many gym owners that are going through this alone.


The Essential Program to Protect Your Gym from The Financial Chaos Caused by Covid19 - With Vince Gabriele

The Essential Program to Protect Your Gym from The Financial Chaos Caused by Covid19 - With Vince Gabriele

Here’s a fraction of what you’ll learn...

New and very creative ways to Drive Cash and the thinking process behind it so you can use it forever…

  • Positive Cash Flow: how to make sure you don’t bring your staff back to soon…

  • How to transition between virtual and in person gym for maximum profits.

  • What NOT TO SAY to your members about COVID-19.

  • The one change you must make to your sales script or you’ll scare your clients away…

Which staff to bring back – and which staff to let go completely…

  • If you’re running out of cash and don’t know when to bring staff back, here’s what to do…

  • How to announce to your members that you’re open – without scaring them off… (Hint, don’t tell them “we’re open”).

  • How to market your gym for less than you were before Covid-19 … and still get more clients.

Here's What You're Getting:

  • Me as your trusted advisor for 4 weeks.

  • 4 Weekly Covid-19 specific modules presented LIVE via zoom.

  • 4 Q/A sessions after each module.

  • Private Facebook group access where you can ask any questions at any time to me and my team.

  • Access to my password protected member site which is essentially like a franchise for gym owners.

  • An inside look at the exact plan I’ve put together for my gym in New Jersey.

The normal investment for my courses is $2,500. I realize these are tough times and I’m pretty much giving this away despite the tongue lashing I got from my CFO. 

Here's Your Investment

When Is It?

The first seminar starts Tuesday, May 19th, at 12 pm EST.

You can login to the seminar via a Zoom link from the comfort of your own home.

Seminar one is about getting you up and running – quickly and legally – within just a few days.

Here are the dates of all of the LIVE seminar dates:

Module 1: Friday, May 15th 12pm EST

Module 2: Friday, May 22nd 12pm EST

Module 3: Friday, May 29th 12pm EST

Module 4: Friday, June 5th 12 pm EST

Note: You Do Not Need to Attend Live – a Replay is Provided in 24 hours:

All seminars will be recorded and sent to you in a replay within 24 hours and in between each seminar you will have specific instructions and homework to do before the next seminar.

Vince and his team will be available to ask questions in a private Facebook Group during the 4-week program.

Who Is It For?

If you own or run a brick and mortar gym that has been impacted by coronavirus – this is for you.

If your gym has been completely shut down but an opening is in sight and you’re not sure how to get started– this is for you.

If you want to crank your cash flow, this is for you.

If your clients OR your team members are wanting to stay away from your gym even when you're allowed to open because of concerns over Coronavirus, this is for you.

Full Value Guarantee

I’m going to give you a NO-RISK GUARANTEE. If you have not found value in the 4-Week by Module 2, I’ll gladly refund your investment.

From one gym owner to another

I get it. This situation is unimaginable.

The fact of the matter is in normal times literally, 96% of businesses fail by the 10-year mark. 

It’s very likely that 30% of the gyms out there will not survive this pandemic.

That’s why I built this course, I want to see you make it to the other side…so you can continue to do what you love and provide for your family.

All the Best,

Vince Gabriele

P.S I’ve never sold anything this cheap but realize the situation everyone is in right now…

P.P.S I’ll be limiting the number of gyms in the program to 30 and closing down registration once we get there

Here's Your Investment

Meet Your Coach: Vince Gabriele

Vince's Gym, Gabriele Fitness has dominated their market (and still does) for 12 years, has generated well-over 10 Million in Revenue and is regarded as one of the most successful gyms in America according to Thom Plummer and the National Fitness Business alliance

He’s Authored Fitness Business 5 Books…The Ultimate Guide to Marketing Your Gym, The Ultimate Guide to Sales For your Gym, The 364 Hiring Manual, the 4 Stages of fitness business success and The Ultimate Success Mindset.

Vince is the CEO of Fitness Business University, the parent company of several thriving businesses…all dedicated to help gym owners build more successful businesses.

His very expensive Mastermind is one of the fastest growing in the industry and holds over 50 thriving gyms


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